Thursday, June 2, 2011

Puffle faces

Here are some pics that i got of club penguins puffles you got to click on them or rub the bodies to make them do a funny face.

there is my black puffle (monstrous) he bit me last i tried to pet him. 

                                          old blue my first puffle he still dont know my name :P

                                    browny my newest puffle i luv his face makes me wanna kiss it! :D
                                               Ummm. i dont even know why he put that face lol.
                                                     lol he looks like a mouse go orange!
                                                                 i luv you pinky!!!
                                                     lol cool troll face
                                              wow how do these puffles know about epic face?
                                                 awwwwwww look at those cheeks!!!  

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